Programming and algorithms on
online course
Let's get you to your first Python project in your portfolio, taking into account your goal, workload, and level of expertise
You can go now!
It is easy to learn and is actively used in web development, software development, machine learning, scientific research and other fields
It's the top 1 most popular language according to the TIOBE Index
What is Python and why learn it?
Python programming teaches structured and logical thinking which is useful not only in programming, but also in everyday life.
Python is one of the most popular programming languages out there
His study could be a starting point for a career in these and many other areas, especially if you're starting out with no previous programming experience.
Who the course will suit:
Want to change career vector towards IT
We'll walk you by the handle through the journey of learning programming, from setting up a development environment to preparing for a job interview.
I want to systematize knowledge
Our course will turn your scattered knowledge of programming and Python in particular into a clear and understandable system. No matter where and how you have studied before, we will help you create an individual course program.
Need Python to solve problems in study or work
Basic programming skills are needed everywhere nowadays, even in the humanities. By keeping it as simple as possible, we can explain even the most obscure, technical aspects to you.
course author
  • I've been teaching since 2008
  • Top 3 largest computer science teachers of USE 2021-2023
  • More than 300 students in mini-groups
  • More than 10K people in programming and computer science courses
  • Taught over 200 students individually
  • Graduated from Moscow State University.
Charles Collins
How the training takes place
At the start
We will conduct a free consultation where we get to know each other, determine your goal, current level and workload. Based on this data, you will receive an individualized passage plan.
In the process of learning
Mentors will help you with all your learning difficulties. They will not solve the problem for you, but will guide you to an independent solution. And code-review will point out mistakes and tell you how to write code more efficiently
At the end of the training
We will summarize the results and give personal recommendations for further development in accordance with your goals
Course Program
Passing time is based on 4 free hours per week.
From "Hello World" to a full-fledged project
1 Week
1 Week
Basic Python constructs
  1. Input, output, data types, variables
  2. Branching, loops, simple data structures
  3. Basic algorithmic thinking on the example of tasks
  4. Functions, generators
3-4 Weeks
3-4 Weeks
In-depth language constructs
  1. Dynamic typing, garbage collector
  2. Iterators, decorators, anonymous functions
  3. F-lines, file handling
  4. Code debugging, exceptions
1 Week
1 Week
Git version control system
What a version control system is, why it is needed and how to use it in practice
4-5 Weeks.
4-5 Weeks.
Programming paradigms
  1. Functional programming
  2. Object-oriented programming: classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism
  3. Magical methods
  4. Principles of good code
1-2 Weeks.
1-2 Weeks.
Popular libraries and tools
  1. Modules, package managers, virtual environment
  2. NumPy
  3. Matplotlib
  4. Black
  5. Requests
2-3 Weeks
2-3 Weeks
Writing projects using the Flask API as an example
  1. How network requests work, what is an API
  2. HTML basics
  3. Flask framework
1 Week
1 Week
Code testing
  1. What testing is like in the real world
  2. Pytest library
All to get those very interviews.
1.5 Weeks
1.5 Weeks
Estimation of algorithm complexity
O-notation. Amortized estimates. Randomized estimates.
1.5 Weeks
1.5 Weeks
Data structures
Arrays, Lists, Queues, Decks, Heap
1.5 Week
1.5 Week
Search algorithms
Binary Search and Answer Search, Ternary Search
1 Week
1 Week
Prefix sums, Segment tree, Root decomposition
2 Weeks
2 Weeks
Two pointers
2 Weeks
2 Weeks
Algorithms on graphs
DFS, BFS, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Floyd's Algorithm
1 Week
1 Week
Greedy algorithms
1 Week
1 Week
Dynamic programming
One-Dimensional, Two-Dimensional, Backpacking Tasks
1 Week
1 Week
String algorithms
Bohr, Heshy, KMP, Z-function, Aho-Korasik
1 Week
1 Week
Number-theoretic algorithms
1 Week
1 Week
Binary search trees
Why our course?
Each hour of lesson time equals more than 10 hours of material preparation.
Mentors are available to help you every day without a day off.
Our course is 2-3 times cheaper than our competitors, providing an equally high level of your preparation for your future job.
Career Ladder +
Assistance in employment after the course
A personal mentor who monitors your progress and will respond
all questions
Off your foot in Aichi: full support
Discussion with course participants
A curator who will respond
all questions
A code-review of the homework
career ladder in it
Video lessons and assignments
Discussion with course participants
python for myself
those algorithms
Python for yourself
The very algorithms
Small backend project
Video lessons and assignments of 4 levels of difficulty
A curator who will respond
all questions
Discussion with course participants
Python for Yourself course
The "Those Algorithms" course
Special course on employment
Three mock interviews with detailed feedback
Career counseling and resume review from the current HR person
Free consultation
with the course instructor
Frequently Asked Questions
This site owned and operating by IRENE CHARLOTTE MEYER
[email protected]